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[2YB]∎ PDF Il marchese di Roccaverdina Italian Edition eBook Luigi Capuana

Il marchese di Roccaverdina Italian Edition eBook Luigi Capuana

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Download PDF  Il marchese di Roccaverdina Italian Edition eBook Luigi Capuana

Luigi Capuana fu uno scrittore, critico letterario e giornalista italiano tra i più importanti del Verismo.
"Il marchese di Roccaverdina" fù il capolavoro di Capuana. Pubblicato nel 1901, dopo circa quindici anni di lavoro, il romanzo intreccia motivi di carattere sociologico, sulla linea della più tipica narrativa verista, all'elemento psico-patologico, ed è estremamente interessante. La storia narrata è quella del marchese di Roccaverdina che, per ragioni di convenienza sociale, dà in sposa la giovane contadina che tiene in casa come serva-amante a un suo sottoposto, Rocco Criscione, che si impegna a rispettarla come una sorella ma che in seguito, avvelenato dal sospetto, uccide a tradimento, lasciando che venga incolpato del delitto un altro contadino.

Il marchese di Roccaverdina Italian Edition eBook Luigi Capuana

In his novel "Il marchese di Roccaverdina", the Italian author Luigi Capuana (1839-1915) tells the story of the Marchese's relations with his servants, Agrippina Solmo and Rocco Criscione. They represent the feudal condition and are exploited as objects essential to the landowner's wll being. This masterpiece of Italian "verismo" is a dramatic psychological portrait, a story of overwhelming passion that leads to murder and madness. In spite of the Marchese's aristocratic upbringing the key figures in his sentimental and social development are peasants, the nurse and caretaker Mamma Grazia, Agrippina and Rocco. After using Agrippina, for ten years, as his lover as well as his servant the Marchese succumbs to the pressures of the local nobility and for reasons of social convenience offers his young lover Agrippina as bride to his servant Rocco, after giving his word that he himself would treat her in future only as a sister. But he becomes increasingly tormented by jealousy and suspicion, murders his servant Rocco, and allows an innocent man to be imprisoned for the murder. After Rocco's death, the Marchese attempts to live fully within the patrician conventions of his milieu,taking the noble-born Zòsima as his wife and frequenting the Casino. He remains, however, unable to overcome his sense of guilt, yielding, in the end, to folly, dementia and death.

Product details

  • File Size 424 KB
  • Print Length 221 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1542989272
  • Publisher Scrivere (August 21, 2012)
  • Publication Date August 21, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B0090UW0OK

Read  Il marchese di Roccaverdina Italian Edition eBook Luigi Capuana

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Il marchese di Roccaverdina Italian Edition eBook Luigi Capuana Reviews

In his novel "Il marchese di Roccaverdina", the Italian author Luigi Capuana (1839-1915) tells the story of the Marchese's relations with his servants, Agrippina Solmo and Rocco Criscione. They represent the feudal condition and are exploited as objects essential to the landowner's wll being. This masterpiece of Italian "verismo" is a dramatic psychological portrait, a story of overwhelming passion that leads to murder and madness. In spite of the Marchese's aristocratic upbringing the key figures in his sentimental and social development are peasants, the nurse and caretaker Mamma Grazia, Agrippina and Rocco. After using Agrippina, for ten years, as his lover as well as his servant the Marchese succumbs to the pressures of the local nobility and for reasons of social convenience offers his young lover Agrippina as bride to his servant Rocco, after giving his word that he himself would treat her in future only as a sister. But he becomes increasingly tormented by jealousy and suspicion, murders his servant Rocco, and allows an innocent man to be imprisoned for the murder. After Rocco's death, the Marchese attempts to live fully within the patrician conventions of his milieu,taking the noble-born Zòsima as his wife and frequenting the Casino. He remains, however, unable to overcome his sense of guilt, yielding, in the end, to folly, dementia and death.
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